Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Brinsley Schwarz - Brinsley Schwarz
Well, I've been working on something else entirely, but I decided to put it on hold cuz I'm not feeling it right now, and listen to this Brinsley Schwarz album instead. I've got a feeling I'm really not gonna talk about this album as much as I probably should, but I had a little disagreement with someone in a Vinyl Record Collector's Group here on the internets, and between that and some shit Bob Lefsetz has been spewing lately, I just feel like I could use a little record that hardly anyone remembers and some relaxation. This is a cool little collection of the first two US Brinsley Schwarz albums, the self titled record and their second, Despite It All.
Now, it's nice that these are more mellow and laid back than you might expect since they're labeled a Pub Rock band. I just don't put these guys in the same sphere as I put Eddie and the Hot Rods or Dr. Feelgood. They worry more about harmony and stuff, and I think that's what I need right about now. I need that because I'm pretty bummed about responses in that Vinyl Community. I'm right, and I know the other group of people haven't got a leg to stand on, but I didn't get a lot of support, and usually people that still buy records kind of agree on a lot of things like what stealing from artists is.
See, this kid (I looked, he's a kid to me and a young adult to himself) got called a parasite by someone for listening to the new Pink Floyd album on YouTube because he spent all his record money on other records and he wanted to hear it. I didn't even notice that thread, but the dude puts up a post asking if he's a "parasite" for doing this. He's getting a whole bunch of, "Hey, if you're gonna buy it anyway, what's the difference," and "Hey, it's cool - I do it all the time" responses. So I looked on YouTube and lo and behold, Pink Floyd and their label aren't the ones that put the full album up a few days before the release date. So I told the guy I didn't know if he was a "parasite" per se, but that he certainly seemed to feel entitled to free entertainment just because it was there. I said that he stole it and man, did his panties get in a clump! I won't get in to how it is that YouTube can put up stolen music at will and not have to worry about any repercussions, and I won't say I don't use YouTube for music, but I know damned well that if the label or band didn't put it up, then if someone had the money or inclination they could get it removed. I can tell this young man isn't a taxpayer, because when i asked him what other things he used before he paid for them he said, "A house, and anything you can rent." I told him there was a significant outlay of cash for both of those activities prior to use, but I don't think he gets it.
So I says, "Hey, if you went to a restaurant to try the food, would you expect it to be free and you'd start paying for it when you came back, and then, to sweeten the pot you'd bring all your friends?" I didn't even get to say, "Because your friends would all probably want free food and it would never stop," because some other tool says, "It doesn't cost anything to make music. Food you have to pay a chef and waitresses and buy the raw food."
Is that really where this generation of young people is coming from? I'm sorry, but what a bunch of entitled ASSHOLES. "I spent all my entertainment money, and I DEMAND you entertain me for free until I can buy it." I didn't go into the "How many times have you listened to albums, decided they weren't for you and never paid a fucking dime?" thing. I mean, he is stealing. He's asking for people to justify it because he knows he's a thief but he wants validation. Well, ya ain't getting that from me. Too many of the bands I love end up breaking up because they sell 1000 vinyl records, 1500 cd's and 400 downloads and then see that 40,000 people used bittorrent and stole their music. So they quit. The thing is, they don't need Bruce Springsteen money. They could do this as a job for their whole lives if they could bring in 60K and benefits for themselves and their kids. I know people can do it on less, but hey, if you're gone 100 nights a year, it's nice to know your wife and kids are in a safe neighborhood. Those 40,000 downloads could have been all it took.
Why do people feel this entitlement? I'm as far left as an American gets, but one of the douchenozzles that came to the kid's defense had something like 1.5 terabytes of stolen music. I'm sorry, but Fuck You dude. You're a thief. Get a streaming account and pay your way.
Got a little riled there. The first record ended and that's more mellow than Despite It All, and when push comes to shove, the second album is really a little more my style. Country Girl is one of Nick Lowe's better songs, That's really saying something, too. Nick has written some of my absolute favorite things in the world, and lemme tel ya, where the first album is kind of a nice mellow diversion for me, Country Girl gets me to Take Notice, because something good is happening! The next song is kind of like Nick does Van Morrison, but he just sounds like he's a happier person than Van to me, so I kind of like it. After that is Funk Angel, which I thought would be dumb because of the title, but again, it's a great Nick Lowe song. I like the interplay between the guitar and the sax. Why don't people use a sax anymore? It's one of the backbone instruments of Rock and everyone acts like it's a harpsichord or something. They're cool in the right hands. They always were and they always will be.
Then there's Bob Lefsetz. Is he a thing that people in the industry actually read or is he just some dullard with a modem? I see people talk about things he said in his blog all the time. The thing is, he talks about the exact same thing every day! If you're not keeping up, you're dying. Streaming is the future. Radio is dead. Duh. He says that pretty much every day, he just uses a different artist to make his point. What's the point he's making? I don't know. It's certainly not something we don't already know. I think he thinks Taylor Swift and Big Machine were short sighted to pull Taylor's music from Spotify, but I think Big Machine and Taylor have already proved that so far as making money in this Blah New World, they're experts. Spotify may or may not be a good idea, but Taylor has proven she knows what she's doing. She'll get a better deal from Spotify and she'll be back, or wherever she ends up going will take Spotify's precarious position at the top of the streaming service hill.
Which I just don't get. Streaming music is so boring. It's okay for background noise, but I can't be bothered with it in my house. I really just can't. I realize I'm kind of on the fringe because I usually listen to records, but I'm not the only one. There's a market for physical media. It may be more of a niche, but once they figure out how to keep people from stealing music (and they will), the people that never buy any music will just go back to not listening to music anyway. Of the people that are going to pay for it, the people that have huge collections may stay with physical because they've just already got so much, but most people aren't sitting on 1000 lp's and 2500 cd's. Friends I have that actually listen to a lot of music usually have a few hundred cd's. The guys at work that swap music files tend to buy stuff (I know what their "swapping" really is) in a mixture of physical and files. Some of them have asked if I want things and I just seldom take them up on the offers. One guy gave me a Jon Lord cd, and I don't mind it, but it's like Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings. Good, professional, kind of dull. Now there's a place for that, but I've already got that kind of thing. The thing is, this guy also talked about St.Vincent. Now that you might think I want to get for free, but actually I may be interested in her one day and I would rather buy it and come at it more organically.
So now my record is over. And I'm in a really good mood, and that's what a good album does for you. It makes things more palatable. Even people that will either ignore the obvious or think we've completely missed the obvious. Is Brinsley Schwarz my favorite album ever? Nope. Not even close. Nick Lowe has done much better things since, but it's good. It's solid and it's the kind of thing it would be nice to see more people hear. But it was hard to hear in 1970, and now it's buried under the internet. Which is a shame. My copy is a cutout, but it's a pretty clean copy, and it sounds really good. Better yet, it makes me happy, which by any measurement means it's a good record.
Brinsley Schwarz
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Hi 2000 Man!
ReplyDeleteThe problem with the generation of kiddies today is that they have been brought up on the internet and/or getting their goodies via the P2P or stealing it and the misconception is that if it's on the net it's free, which is bullshit to me. I'm forever old school of the fact that If i want to hear an album or CD I got out and pay for it. I try to my best to support the starving artist who sells about 1000 copies or less and tend to blog about it if a under the radar bands is worth shouting about. And Believe me there's plenty of bands to be discovered.
As for Lefsetz, he must have Demetria or the onslaught of Alzheimer's. He continues to contradict himself time and time again and I usually call him out in my blog which I'm sure he gives two shits about. He's pro Spotify, pro streaming and if you don't agree with him and continue to buy records you're the problem and not the future. Which somebody should remind him to take his GD meds and shove his spotify up his arse single sideways. To have him bitch about Taylor Swift trying to make money is just old fart jealousy. That's what she'd trying to do, make money before her star flames out and she becomes a trivia question.
I prefer the actual album and the original liner notes to know about the music I'm listening to. And I can never change that. Lefsetz tries so much to stay ahead of the latest fad that he doesn't have time nor energy to pull a record out, put the needle on and groove on. I myself can never never embrace Streaming, cuz like you say, I get bored mighty easy and Spotify is not for me. Neither is Pandora with their shitty playlist which is no better than the local stations here.
If you read this far, I found the Brinsley's 2 CD set at an old forgotten record store for 4 dollars and I got it on Nick Lowe being part of that band. Brinsley Schwartz was a far cry from pub rock that Lowe would later do in the 70s like Ducks Deluxe or Eddie And The Hot Rods, The Brinsleys seem to mirror more of The Band or to my ears what Crosby, Stills And Nash were doing, light country pop with harmonies. The S/T 1st album, is all over the map, I enjoy What Do You Suggest, or Hymm to Me and Mayfly with the coda ending and I recall Public played Ballad Of A Has Been Beauty Queen. It's hard to imagine that song came from the mind that gave us Heart Of The City. Despite It All, the second album is more country rock with Love Song, Funk Angel and Country Girl being the standouts for me. I know United Artists in the US issued Silver Pistol (The reissue had two songs chopped off, a rip off) and I do have Nervous On The Road but since they didn't sell, New Favorites with The original Peace Love And Understanding was import only. One Way issued the 2 CD Brinsley Schwartz album but I tend to play the vinyl album more often than not. It sounds better on vinyl. ;)
Hi Crabby! I had a conversation with the owner of my favorite record store yesterday and I told her about the conversation with the kids. i said I'm glad to be my age, because I don't want to sound like some entitled piece of shit. At least if something is on Spotify it's there because the artist or label ok'd it. I still don't understand how YouTube knowingly infringes copyrights like they do. At some point, someone will figure out how to stop that bleeding and then we'll see that those kids don't value art at all.Stealing 1.5TB of music? The kid will never even listen to it all, and how much of it would he actually listen to and find out he hates? The other thing that bugs me is they call buying a record they haven't listened to first a "blind buy." How often have you bought a record without hearing it and pretty much known you'd like it? It's not that hard, it's just being interested in it.
DeleteLefsetz is weird. Is he supposed to be an insider analyst? He sounds like a guy in his mom's basement.
Lefsetz used to be an A&R person for a now defunct label, didn't have a successful track record, the only band he did A n R fired him after a failed single, but Bob has enough connections to be one of the most read bloggers out there. Me and him had words over some outdated smart phone app on Twitter. Most of his rants come from an apartment he shares with his girlfriend which could be the same as being in his mom's basement too ;)
ReplyDeleteFor somebody who spent 50 years of life in record stores, I too agree that I rather had that life then wasting away years on the computer stealing songs off various sites and not getting around to hear them. The thing about You Tube I like is finding the obscure stuff rather than somebody's pirated new Pink Floyd (to which I will get later this week). Spotify is nice if it keeps one chained to the computer a lot longer, and I'm sure the songs selections are better than Pandora. And Spotify is a hot subject since Sal from Burning Wood mentioned that this morning. It might be the wave of the future for some or Bob Lefsetz trying to make sense of what years he has left but it's not my future.
About Blind Buys, the kids' and mine are different, the generation gap comes into play. The advantage of cheap music (2 dollars or less) on CD or record makes me do a lot of blind buys and most of it goes back to donation. To peer over the liner notes, who plays what, the cover art do figure in my decision to invest time and dollars. If the new Pink Floyd doesn't meet expectations, I can recoup most of my purchases back, and maybe Taylor Swift although I have zero interest in her album. I'm not an expert in royalties issues and I'm sure Don Henley has his attorneys peering through You Tube to get them taken off but I usually go through You Tube looking for the more obscure stuff from the 50s and 60s and posting them rather than Eagles or Pink Floyd. And sometimes a blind buy will uncover a forgotten classic, and I hate repetition radio so I'm always looking for the lesser played.
Sad to say the kids today think music is free and should remains that way. And basically that's the wrong way of thinking from these dudes who pretty much got handed things down to them without regard. ;)
Sooner or later someone will figure out a way to make sure YouTube pays serious money for infringing on their copyrights, and then all the major label stuff will disappear or go behind a paywall. Then the only easy things to hear will be the obscure. I guess I never cared if I heard something or not first. if it's a band I like, I just buy it. If it's totally new to me, then the cover, pictures, label, producer etc. give me enough information that I don't take that many records back. the kids think they've taken some major risk on a "blind buy" with Pink floyd's new album. if ya don't know what you're gonna get with that by now, you should just go back to video games. I don't think you can have a blind buy unless you don't know anything about the music, and those are usually my favorite records.